
CRTB - Diaphane Ell Prod

CRTB / Imagination

 Vidéo Marin Le roux


The Torche has become the most famous surfing spot in all Brittany. There are numerous official surf competitions (European championship and World Cup stages). An optimal wave frequency and several peaks depending on the sandbanks. A channel, located near the tip of the Torche, allows to reach the wide very easily by offering a shelter against the south winds..


Seals make no mistake, the small Etocs archipelago, off the Eckmühl lighthouse, is an ideal shelter for aquatic flora and fauna. Embark for a wild parenthesis (out of time) where you can approach the grey seals who live there. The paddle, small and silent support is ideal to respect the quietness and balance of this small ecosystem. Duration: 3 hours - To facilitate and secure the crossing of each, the instructor accompanies you by motor boat. More info:

 lesenfantsdelacote -  lesenfantsdelacote

CRTB / Emmanuel Berthier

EQUIBREIZH - Browse Brittany on horseback

More than 2000km of marked routes. At each stage of your walk, accommodations are provided to welcome you and your mount. More information:

Day loops are also available on the site:


For a healthy body towards the fullness of the mind. Practicing a complete open sky sport in seawater and on the beach. To muscle, relax, improve your well-being, rejuvenate. Fitness at sea with cardio-training muscle strengthening and BeachYoga. Accessible to all. Possibility to rent equipment. All year from Monday to Sunday Breton Riviera, South Finistere. With Omana Surya Riotte, Sport Coach and Certified Yoga Professor. Healthsea for the body Quieting for the mind. Seafitness & Wellness;

Think about booking your session on

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CRTB / Emmanuel Berthier / Diaphane Ell prod


Journey to the heart of yourself, to take care of you, to rejuvenate, to find yourself.

Stay away from the stress, you love nature: browse the many coastal trails for a full cure of detox and finally let go.

A spa session in our hotel with why not a massage session will do you the greatest good. Digress to be well by changing your rhythm.

Take care of you !

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CRTB / Emmanuel Berthier / Diaphane Ell prod / Yannick Derennes


Brittany is the family destination by excellence to decompress together because here the playground is huge ! Holidays by the sea, pancakes, the vitality of bike rides, on the water or fishing on foot… How many unforgettable memories for your children, magic works.  At every age, everything becomes possible … or almost !

Aquariums, educational farms, farm visits and zoos are ideal places to introduce your children to marine and terrestrial wildlife in all its diversity.

What do you do when it rains? Visit the numerous aquariums: Océanopolis (Brest), Aquashow (Audierne), Marinarium (Concarneau) or Haliotika fishing town (Guilvinec)

It is also the land of legends, many megalithic sites such as the megaliths of Menez Dregan, Menez Korriged (the covered alleyway of Pors Poullan) and the dolmens of Pointe du Souc'h are three wonders to discover on the commune of Plouhinec, near Audierne in south Finistère.

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CRTB / Emmanuel Berthier / Donatienne Guillaudeau / Yannick Derrenes


Détente - Lâcher prise - Confiance en soi

La marche afghane élimine stress, tensions, toxines, apporte tonus, énergie, clarifie les idées, régénère le corps, libère l'esprit....

La méditation... devient ensuite aisée et naturelle. Vous retrouverez un état de bien être qui est en même temps tonique et relax.

Les thèmes tels que : la confiance en soi, les relations toxiques, comment lâcher prise, reconnaître et décoder nos signaux internes faire sauter les blocages...

Marche de 2h à 4h suivant le programme. Destination : Bénodet/La mer blanche - Les polders (Ile tudy/Sainte Marine) - Presqu'île de Crozon - Pointe du millier  - Les gorges du Stangala

Planning des sessions consultables sur : -marche afghane et lâcher prise

CRTB / Guilliams Laurent


Entre les visites et la découverte du Pays Bigouden, on ne manque pas d'idées pour se détendre et s'amuser !

Surf - Véritable art de vivre en Pays Bigouden, le surf est le sport qui se pratique toute l’année. Au coeur d’une baie protégée, les surfeurs de toute l’Europe font le déplacement pour le spot mythique de La Torche, mais il y a d’autres spots à découvrir !

Randonnée - le Pays Bigouden n’en finit pas d’inspirer artistes et photographes, et de séduire les amateurs de nature et de grands espaces. Sur le sentier côtier ou dans les boucles intérieures, les balades et randonnées sont l’occasion de découvrir le littoral, la faune, la flore et le patrimoine local.

Mer - Dans les centres nautiques du Pays Bigouden un bon nombre d’activités sur l’eau est proposé. Catamaran, dériveur, kayak, optimist, planche à voile ou stand-up paddle 


Plus d'infos :